Light green jade chips creating a lariat necklace with a big yellow tiger eye donut stone on one end and a single light pink rose quartz stone on other end completed with a tiny tiger eye stone. To be flowed into donut to create a fun necklace. 26”
Light Green Jade: Jade is a symbol of purity; serenity as well as wisdom; tranquility.Jade is associated with the heart chakra; increases love; nurturing. It is a protective stone, which keeps the wearer from harm; brings harmony. It is believed to attract good luck; friendship. Psychologically, Jade stabilizes the personality; integrates the mind with the body. It promotes self-sufficiency. Mentally, jade releases negative thoughts; soothes the mind. It stimulates ideas. Emotionally, jade is a dream stone. It brings insightful dreams. It aids emotional release, especially of irritability. Spiritually, jade
encourages you to become who you really are. It assists in recognizing yourself as a spiritual being on a human journey; awakens hidden knowledge.
Green- Increases love, empathy and compassion. It brings a gradual increase of prosperity and good fortune.
Pink Rose Quartz: Helps increase more love, passion, good spirits, friendship, Peace, and happiness. It’s a very good for grounding and balances emotions towards positive thoughts. Known as The PeaceMaker. Rose Quartz is a very strong, powerful, wonderful stone to help increase and maintain all the beautiful feelings we want more of in our life. Pink represents gentleness, calmness, femininity, compassion and love. The gentle energy it carries support and rekindles relationships, bringing joy, passion and contentment.
Tiger Eye: Tiger eye combines the earth energy with the energies of the sun to create a high vibrational state that is never the less grounded, drawing the spiritual energies to earth. It enhances psychic abilities & balances all your chakras, stimulating the rise of the kundalini energy. Tiger eye is a protective stone. It brings correct balance of power & integrity. It assists in accomplishing goals, recognizing inner resources & promoting clarity of intention. This stone is useful for recognizing both your needs & those of others. Mentally, It is helpful for resolving dilemmas & internal conflicts. Psychologically, tiger eye heals issues of self-worth, self- criticism, & blocked creativity. It aids in recognizing one’s talents & abilities &, conversely, faults that need to be overcome. Emotionally, tiger eye balances yin-yang & energizes the emotional body, It alleviates depression & lifts moods. Also known to bring luck & prosperity.