Dark "raw fossil" nugget in the center of tiny roundelle multi blend of moss green agate stones completed with a magnetic clasp. 18"
Raw Fossil Jasper Nugget: Fossil Jasper gemstones are actually a form of agate and chalcedony that replace prehistoric coral structures. They are also known as "fossil" "coral", or agatized "coral". "Fossil Jasper" is said to alleviate some physical maladies and aid in positive change. Helps improve vitality or power to take action. "Fossils" can give strong courage and self-confidence at same time.
Green Agate Stones: Attracts abundance. Brings good fortune and blessings. Will protect your aura by filtering out impurities and negativity. Agate brings harmonious energies that can counter external stress. Also good for protection. Grounding stone that stabilizes your aura; brings about emotional, physical; intellectual balance. they aids in centering; stabilizing physical energy. Agate has the power to harmonize yin; yang. The positive; negative forces that hold the universe in place. A soothing; calming stone. agate works slowly but brings great strength. It’s multiple layers can bring hidden information to light. Psychologically, Agate gently facilitates acceptance of one’s self. This stone helps build self-confidence. It aids self-analysis; perception of hidden circumstances that’s holding you back in your life. Emotionally, this stone overcomes negativity; bitterness of heart. heals inner anger, fostering love; the courage to start again. It encourages quiet contemplation; assimilation of life experiences, leading to spiritual growth; inner stability.